ctress Sonakshi Sinha has been bonding with Salman Khan. The two were spotted watching the famous 'Fast 5' of the 'Fast and Furious' series in the theatre. However, Sallu and Sonakshi weren't alone.
Keeping them company were Salman's sisters Alvira and Arpita. Sonakshi and the girls we hear enjoy action adventure and the movie was a 'must watch' on their lists. Salman was more than glad to be the one to take these girls for a movie he himself is crazy about.
Salman Khan of late has been seen in movies that can well be classified as action-adventure ('Wanted', 'Dabangg') providing wholesome entertainment to the family going audience.
Keeping them company were Salman's sisters Alvira and Arpita. Sonakshi and the girls we hear enjoy action adventure and the movie was a 'must watch' on their lists. Salman was more than glad to be the one to take these girls for a movie he himself is crazy about.
Salman Khan of late has been seen in movies that can well be classified as action-adventure ('Wanted', 'Dabangg') providing wholesome entertainment to the family going audience.
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